Book Master Strategy Session
How Does It Work?
A thousand-step journey starts with step 1. Your step 1 is to book a 15 min phone call with me. In this phone call, we go over what we call Your North Star.
Once that is done you can book your Master Strategy Session with me.
Why You Should Book A Session?
Did you know that 90% of property investors are stuck on one or two investment properties? That is why we call them ‘average landlords’. On the other hand, if you are looking to become a ‘serious property investor’ you don’t just jump in. You need a plan. Creating wealth is about acquiring, managing, and mitigating risk.
That is what you will get from the Master Strategy Session.
About Me
My name is Roy and I help run Australia’s fastest-growing buyers agency, Buyer Club. I started investing when I was 13 years old. My first investment was $500 worth of shares in a mining company. I tripled my money at the time and boy was I in love.
I discovered my passion for real estate back in 2012 and purchased my first investment property in 2013.
Over the years, I met my colleagues who are now my partners and individually have amassed large property portfolios. We invest following a very simple yet powerful process. Plan, Acquire and Manage (rinse and repeat).
Our company follows a set of rules for property investing which we call The Rule of 4.
The Rule of 4 is not a set of fancy formulas. Real estate has never been about science. Real estate is about Data, and most importantly people.
We understand both very well and you can now leverage our knowledge to become a ‘serious property investor’.
How Does It Work?
A thousand-step journey starts with step 1. Your step 1 is to book a 15 min phone call with me. In this phone call, we go over what we call Your North Star.
Once that is done you can book your Master Strategy Session with me.